Dowell Living Lab Products API

Experience Innovation with Dowell Living Lab Products API

Dowell Living Lab Products API

Living Lab Products API

Welcome to the Living Lab Products API documentation! This API provides a straightforward way to access a list of products offered within the Living Lab environment. Whether you’re a developer or just curious about what’s available, this guide aims to make navigating the API simple and easy to understand.


Dowell Living Lab Products API

Simplified Integration

Easily integrate the API into your existing projects, thanks to its user-friendly design and clear documentation.

Dowell Living Lab Products API

Comprehensive Product List

Gain access to a diverse range of products within the Living Lab environment, including Workflow AI, Living Lab Chat, Social Media Automation, and more.

Dowell Living Lab Products API

Flexible Usage

Whether you're a developer looking to incorporate these products into your applications or a user seeking specific tools, the API offers flexibility to meet your requirements.

Dowell Living Lab Products API

Efficient Development

Accelerate your development process by leveraging the Living-Lab-Products API to quickly obtain the necessary product information without hassle.

Getting Started

To begin using the Living Lab Products API, follow these steps:

  1. Installation: Install the API client library for your preferred programming language (Python, JavaScript, etc.).

  2. API Endpoint: Make requests to the designated API endpoint with your input data. The endpoint to retrieve the product list is named Get Products Endpoint.

  3. Receive List: Retrieve the list of products from the API response.

For more detailed instructions, code examples, and endpoint specifications, please refer to the API Documentation.

Product List

Here is the list of products currently available within Living Lab:

  • Workflow AI
  • Living Lab Chat
  • Social Media Automation
  • Logo Scan
  • Legalzard
  • Living Lab Maps
  • Living Lab Admin
  • Sales Agent
  • Permutation Calculator
  • Dowell Customer Support Centre
  • Secure Github Repository
  • Secure Data
  • Team Management
  • Dowell Services
Dowell Living Lab Products API

Postman Documentation

For detailed API documentation, including endpoint descriptions, request and response examples, and authentication details, please refer to the API documentation

Dowell Living Lab Products API Demonstrative Scenarios

In the following scenarios, Dowell will furnish comprehensive instructions on obtaining the Service key and guide you through the steps to use the API. You’ll find examples in various formats such as Python, PHP, React, Flutter, and WordPress in the tabs below. Feel free to explore the examples in each tab for practical insights.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Dowell Living Lab Products API

To make requests to the Dowell Living Lab Products API endpoint, you need to send HTTP POST requests to the designated API endpoint with your input data, such as your username. The API will then respond with the list of products.

The Dowell Living Lab Products API accepts input data in JSON format. You need to structure your request body as a JSON object containing relevant information, such as your username.

Dowell may have rate limits or usage restrictions on their API. It’s advisable to contact Dowell’s support for information regarding request limits and usage policies.

The Dowell Living Lab Products API may require authentication using a Service key. Refer to the How to Get Service Key tab for instructions on how to authenticate your requests.

Dowell may offer different tiers of access to their API, including free and paid options.

If you encounter any issues, have questions, or need assistance with Dowell Living Lab Products API, you can contact the support team for prompt assistance. Contact us at 

The Dowell Living Lab Products API may not provide functionality for adding new products to the Living Lab. Its primary purpose is to retrieve information about existing products.

Yes, you can cache responses from the Dowell Living Lab Products API to improve performance, but you should consider the cache expiration and refresh mechanisms to ensure you have up-to-date product data.

Dowell may have a process for accepting contributions to their API, such as submitting feature requests or bug reports. You can check their documentation or contact their support team for information on how to contribute.

Dowell UX Living Lab offers a wide range of APIs to enhance user experience and streamline various processes. To explore the full list of APIs available, including Dowell Email, Dowell Newsletter, Samanta Content Evaluator, and many more.

For more details and to explore the complete list of APIs provided by Dowell UX Living Lab, please visit our documentation page.

How To Get The API Key

Python Example

This Python code uses the requests library to send a POST request to the specified URL ( The payload includes the username “uxliveadmin,” and the response, which contains Dowell products, is printed.

					import requests

# Define the URL for the API endpoint
url = ''

# Prepare the payload with necessary data (in this case, a username)
payload = {
    "username": "uxliveadmin"

# Make a POST request to the API endpoint with the payload
response =, json=payload)

# Print the JSON response received from the API


PHP Example

In this PHP code snippet, the file_get_contents function is utilized to send a POST request to the designated URL ( The request data includes the username “uxliveadmin,” and the resulting response, containing Dowell products, is echoed.

					// This PHP code is used to make a POST request to the specified API endpoint in order to retrieve a list of products. Here's a breakdown of what each part of the code does:

$url = ''; // This variable stores the URL of the API endpoint.

$data = array(
    "username" => "uxliveadmin"
); // This array contains the data to be sent in the POST request. In this case, it includes a username parameter with the value "uxliveadmin".

$options = array(
    'http' => array(
        'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", // This specifies the content type of the request.
        'method'  => 'POST', // This specifies the HTTP method to be used, which is POST in this case.
        'content' => http_build_query($data), // This converts the data array into a URL-encoded string to be sent as the request body.

$context  = stream_context_create($options); // This creates a stream context using the specified options.

$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); // This sends the POST request to the API endpoint and retrieves the response.

echo $result; // This prints the response from the API endpoint.


React Example

The React component uses the axios library to perform an asynchronous POST request to the specified API endpoint ( The username “uxliveadmin” is included in the request payload. The response, which contains Dowell products, is logged to the console within a useEffect hook.

					import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';

function App() {
  // useEffect hook to fetch data when the component mounts
  useEffect(() => {
    // Function to fetch data asynchronously
    const fetchData = async () => {
      try {
        // Sending a POST request to the API endpoint to retrieve products
        const response = await'', {
          username: 'uxliveadmin',
        // Logging the response data to the console
      } catch (error) {
        // Handling errors if any occur during the fetch process

    // Calling the fetchData function when the component mounts
  }, []); // Empty dependency array ensures useEffect runs only once, equivalent to componentDidMount

  return (
      {/* Placeholder for your React component */}

export default App;


Flutter Example

In this Flutter code, the Dio library is employed to send a POST request to the provided API endpoint ( The request data includes the username “uxliveadmin.” The response, containing Dowell products, is printed in the console upon pressing the “Fetch Data” button.

					import 'package:flutter/material.dart';  // Importing the material package for Flutter UI components.
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';  // Importing Dio package for making HTTP requests.

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: Center(
          child: ElevatedButton(
            onPressed: () async {
              try {
                // Making a POST request to the API endpoint to fetch product data.
                Response response = await Dio().post(
                  '',  // API endpoint URL.
                  data: {"username": "uxliveadmin"},  // Sending username as data.
                print(;  // Printing the response data to the console.
              } catch (error) {
                print(error);  // Handling and printing any errors that occur during the request.
            child: Text('Fetch Data'),  // Displaying a button to initiate data fetching.


WordPress Example

Step 1: Set up the API name, unique ID and the base url(below). It’s a prerequisite to have WP-GET API plugin installed in your wordpress website

wpgetAPI living lab products

Step 2: Set up the api endpoint and the request body. The request body should have the necessary body post fields

Get Products api endpoint
Get Products body field
Step 3: Test endpoint to get Json Response from the API.
Get Products Json Response